Recently I had to travel to a neighboring state in India for some personal reasons. Before I traveled and in between small talk with my children, my elder daughter made a request. She said, “Papa, when the train goes through a tunnel, remember me.” I thought of it as a strange request, but said yes and forgot about the whole matter.
The day of journeying arrived and I was traveling and suddenly after a couple of hours of the train journey, we passed through a tunnel. And right away my mind ran back to the moment that my daughter had said, “Papa, when the train goes through a tunnel, remember me.” I had a chuckle all by myself and thought about the many little requests that children make of their parents.
I believe Our Father in heaven also remembers our small requests that we make of Him day in and day out in our lives. Perhaps after a few years we may think of that request to have been trivial. Perhaps people who hear of our requests may think it to be strange, but Jesus loves us so much that He doesn’t consider any thing that we ask of Him to be trivial.
Sometimes we ourselves may forget some of the things we asked of God; but He doesn’t forget us or our requests. He says,
“Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me.” (Isaiah 49:15, 16)
People have the habit of forgetting, but God never forgets. In the book of Genesis we read of Joseph, Jacob’s son who explained the dreams of the cup bearer of the Pharaoh and then requested him to say a kind word about him to Pharaoh and get him released from prison, but the cup bearer forgot the whole matter. Yet God did not forget Joseph and delivered him from prison and made him the 2nd in command in Egypt.
Remember this day, that Jesus will never forget you or the work that you do for Him. He will reward you plentifully when the time comes. Know this that He never regards your requests to Him as trivial. The Bible says,
“As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him.” (Psalms 113:13)
May the Lord Jesus bless you abundantly.
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