“They have greatly oppressed me from my youth-- let Israel say-- they have greatly oppressed me from my youth, but they have not gained the victory over me. Plowmen have plowed my back and made their furrows long. But the Lord is righteous; He has cut me free from the cords of the wicked” (Psalms 129:1 – 4)
Here the Psalmist describes a very disturbing situation about Israel; actually the sufferings of Israel at the hands of their enemies. These verses can also apply to the lives of many of you who read this message. You have been greatly oppressed from your childhood; “abused” perhaps would be a more appropriate word, I guess. Abused in different ways: verbally, physically, emotionally etc.
The Psalmist says, “They have greatly oppressed me from my youth but they have not gained the victory over me.” There are many people who suffer abuse in their lives right from their childhood and this affects their mind to such a great extent that even if they have become believers they are not free from the memories of all the oppression that they have suffered in their lives.
It’s like “ploughmen have ploughed their backs and made furrows so long and so deep”, that the old thoughts and old memories try to destroy the present peace in their lives. If you are such a person, I have good news for you. Our God is righteous. He is able to cut you free from the cords of the wicked, the cords that Satan have bound you with for several years. If your mind is being oppressed by thoughts that are pulling you down and making you unwell and sick, thoughts that are destroying the peace in your life, Jesus is able to set you free and the Bible says, “ So if the son (Jesus), sets you free you will be free indeed.” (John 8:36)
If you have been suffering, or if anyone in your family has been suffering because of attacks from satan, Jesus is able to deliver you/them, Jesus is able to heal and set free. He can free you from oppressing thoughts and thoughts of abuse that have been ravaging you mind. I believe that Jesus is able to set you free from all the cords that Satan has bound you with. Some of the remembrances & memories are so deeply etched in the minds that it is very difficult to remove them by ourselves, but the Lord is powerful. He is God Almighty; He is able to do miracles in our lives.
Israel suffered a lot because of the oppression of the enemies. But why did the enemies oppress them so much? It was because Israel left the ways of the Lord and followed other gods and disobeyed the true God-Jehovah. That’s why the enemy took control over them.
If there is sin in your life, you have to renounce that first and the Lord will set you free. Is sin the cause of the oppression in your life? Renounce that sin, confess it to Jesus and you will see a great deliverance; a great change in your life. Whenever Israel turned back to the Lord and called out to him, God delivered them.
If you have received forgiveness for your sins, your deliverance is at hand. You can be set free this day by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Have you been suffering for a long time by oppressing thoughts. Thoughts that have left you without any peace in your lives, thoughts that have destroyed your relationship with other people. Pray & believe. Jesus will rescue you from the cords of the wicked. He will set you free and your mind will be filled with peace and joy and love of the Holy Spirit.
Trust in Jesus, trust in His Word. He will surely set you free. God bless you.
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