Tuesday, February 10, 2009

From the Doctor’s Diary-14- Miracle

Lake St.Louis,USA
(Written in April 2000)

It was barely a month ago that Jesus brought up this plan of us four (Me, my wife, 2 Daughters) coming to the USA (from India).Till then He had only mentioned often that we would be going to the States in the future.Our elder daughter's exams were getting over and the counsel of the Lord was that I must temporarily take leave from my medical practice and start praying and working on the matters pertaining to visiting the USA for 2 months."It's impossible",was the quote that we heard from everyone when we told them of our plans.
There was discouragement pouring in from all sides but the Holy Spirit kept on urging us that Jesus was on our side and a miracle was on the cards if we trusted in Jesus.

First things first and so we immediately contacted my brother-in-law who lived in St.Louis.He was very receptive to the idea and said he would send the necessary papers right away but added a word of caution that our application for visa may be rejected by the US Consulate.All the agents we approached said,"It's, not possible","You are a Doctor,they'll never let you in","Perhaps you should try alone,don't waste money on the visa forms","You and your wife are so young,they'll never let you in." But we insisted in knowing the details and what papers were needed on our behalf.

There were other problems too.My passport validity was soon expiring and I had already applied for a new one through an agent 45 days back.When this plan came up I contacted him and asked why I had not yet received the new passport since so much time had elapsed since I applied for it.He enquired regarding the matter and informed me that since my old passport was issued in Bombay ,some verifications were to be done there ,hence the delay. That afternoon my father came to our rented house and said-we have bad news,the police had come home and said that there was a police case registered against me and unless that was solved I could not get my passport.I knew this was a satanic bombshell to discourage us and we remained calm.That evening we travelled to the police station to enquire of the special officer what was up and he informed us that the computer had picked up a case registered against us for which a verdict was not yet passed.We told him that it was true that there was a case registered against us in a vehicle accident in 1994 but the verdict was already done with and the insurance company were only involved in the case now. He checked the records and found it was true,so he said he will send the report in a couple of days.But we urged him saying that this was urgent and I needed the passport right away.

He said it was not possible to do anything now as it was Friday and we would have to wait until Monday when the report could be sent.That caused a bit of a dejection but we still praised the Lord on our way back that He had solved yet another problem for us by His abundant grace.The next morning I thought it would be better to go and see the officer again and remind him of our matter. I did not find him at the station,so I thought I 'd check on the agent to give him this news,but I did not find him either.So I decided to go home and check on other matters to be done, little knowing that I was to witness another wonderful miracle.

My wife opened the door and she was smiling.What's up? I asked.She went inside and brought a cover which was self explanatory ,it was my new passport.We just praised the Lord for the great miracle that He had done for us.She said it had come by post and my father had brought it.But it could not have been! is the usual phrase heard in this circumstance,but remember with God all things are possible

There were other problems immediately.We didn't know that our 2 year old child needed a new passport and so we had to apply it afresh after deleting her name from my wife's passport.But a new rule had come wherein we could get a new passport for her within 2 days. And so in a couple of weeks time we were ready with all necessary documents to visit the American Consulate for a visa.Not many were hopeful,not many encouraging but Jesus has His ways.He would always encourage us.Have a positive attitude He would say ,do not think anything negative,dwell on my Word to remove all unbelief. I memorized a lot of verses pertaining to the situation and would speak it out loudly to increase our faith and remove all unbelief.

The day at the Consulate was tiring and it was past noon when we were ushered in for the interview.There were 3 counters (3,4&5).And the Holy Spirit indicated to my wife that we must go to counter No.3.So though we initially stood in the counter No. 4 queue ,we shifted to No.3 queue .It was wonderful to hear the words,"Go pay your visa fees,your visas will be sent by courier today".Our hearts were filled with praises for this great work of God for us.We were thankful to the US Consulate for granting us the 2 month visit visa.

Everyone who heard it said it was a miracle.I wonder how many of them really know what a Miracle is. A near perfect definition is-A miracle is an event that appears inexplicable by the laws of nature and so is held to be supernatural in origin and an act of God.It involves the direct intervention of God.God is the Creator and He can work in ways that are impossible for us.

Miracles are a common thing for the believer. As you read this testimony you will understand the working of miracles from the spiritual view point and also know that once the battle is won in the spiritual world,things happen automatically in the physical realm. Holiness,Faith,Consecration,Faithfulness all count.But ultimately it's

"Not by might and not by power but by my Spirit,says the Lord Almighty".(Zechariah 4:6).Praise the Lord .

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